How to Design the Website

There are many different types of web design, from those built using website templates and 'build your own' site building applications to complex content managed and e-commerce web designs such as those used by big brand names like Amazon, eBay and Tesco. Some companies, even some big name companies, have unprofessional looking and badly designed websites. They also don't provide the information that visitors want.

Good website design

Although many aspects of website design can vary from one site to the next, there are many common elements that remain consistent across the majority of websites. The most important aspect of a website's design is its navigation or menu. 

Image Source: Google

Visitors to the site are searching for criteria that will either make them stay and interact with it or go elsewhere. Stickiness is a term that describes the ability of a website's content to retain visitors' attention. 

Visitors desire a visually appealing experience but, perhaps most importantly, they want ease of use. Website usability is key to getting visitors to stay on the site, complete an inquiry, and then order a product/service.

Internet users prefer to be able to navigate easily to websites. They don't want to spend time learning how to use every website they visit. A website should be easy to navigate.