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altitude of transportation

Testing Packages During Transportation Through Altitude Simulation Test

As a high altitude mountain climber is likely to experience reduced oxygen levels because of decreased air pressure. Packaging products will be subject to changes in pressure due to the high altitude of transportation. Testing using simulation can be conducted to evaluate the effects upon the packing. 

Altitude simulation test is a type of test to determine the potential effects packaging might endure during transportation. The systems for altitude simulation could comprise heating, vibration or cooling controls to simulate other conditions in the environment.

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Aircrafts transporting goods may be transported at altitudes up to 36,000 feet and as high as 12,000 feet in the case of ground transportation. If exposed to high altitude conditions, packaging can be damaged or adversely affected by changes in pressure. 

Simulation of transportation made using vacuum technology could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of packaging materials and structures that are exposed to the extreme environmental conditions that come to transportation. 

Vacuum testing can assess the effect of transportation using certain types of transportation including trucks or aircrafts that do not have pressurization or traverse over mountain passes that are high. 

A simple vacuum system to use for transportation simulation comprises the vacuum chamber, a vacuum pump as well as a vacuum gauge, a vent valve and vacuum inlet. The vacuum chamber must be constructed to fit the item, and there should be a few inches more on each side to allow expansion.

Advanced systems may include automated controls that run through the test cycle and also control the rate of depressurization and pressurization. The installation of the vacuum chamber on the table of vibration is an additional option to improve the capabilities to test the system.
