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Billing Solutions For Your Company

Why is Charge Entry Vital to Medical Billing?

Charge entry is a process where you enter valid medical billing information and assign diagnosis codes, procedures codes, and modifiers before you file a vision plan or medical insurance claim.

Attention to detail and accurate data entry is crucial so your practice can collect maximum reimbursements, decrease payment denials and increase profitability.

Even one mistake could lead to a rejected or denied claim, resulting in thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Medical claim errors can also cause conflicts or damage your patient-provider relationship. To know more about medical billing visit

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Charge entry is one of the most important steps in the medical billing cycle-it’s where the claims are created.

Accurate charge entry is critical to optometric billing so you can collect maximum reimbursements, prevent claim denials and rejections, improve billing productivity, and increase cash flow.

A complete revenue cycle management (RCM) solution that includes an efficient charge entry process eliminates worrying about entering error-free patient demographics before you file vision plans and medical insurance claims.

Don’t delay entering charges during the charge entry process; post charges the same day you provide the services to the patient. The longer you wait to post charges, the longer it takes to file a medical claim or bill the patient.

For instance, if your biller who is posting the charges overlooks a charge marked on an encounter form, or the doctor forgets to indicate all the charges on the encounter, this will cause future problems with your medical billing. 
