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car polisher nz

Car Polish in NZ to Keep That Sparkle

Everyone loves the new look of their car. But such joy is fleeting as the paintwork quickly becomes damaged, stained, and covered with dust. The natural process of aging the exterior paint can cause a car to look dull. 

Polish can restore the shine and give your car a brighter look. Car polish contains some key ingredients that work hard to remove dirt, grime, oil, and any minor scratches. If you’re looking for car polisher services in NZ, you may check this out.

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It is important to know the difference between car polish and car wax. Normal wax provides a protective layer of water and shines. Normal wax does not remove scratches because car waxes are not usually formulated with abrasive ingredients. 

Polish contains abrasive ingredients that help remove scratches. The polish contains hydrocarbon solvents, which help to remove dirt, grime, oil marks, and scratches. The abrasive ingredients remove a very thin layer of paint. The paint will look brand new because only a thin layer of paint is removed.

Car polish comes in different varieties. One type of car polish is water solvent-based polishing agents. Aqueous dispersion car polish is used in automatic car washing systems. Silicone-based solutions are the most popular with car owners. The car will shine with the silicone base. Car polishing is a laborious process. You can either use your hands or automated car polishing tools to apply the polish. Car polish is essential to maintain a car.
