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Lip Injections Vancouver

Vancouver Lip Augmentation – More Beautiful Lips

Lip augmentation procedure provides you with fuller, more beautiful lips and helps to preserve your youthful appearance. Through a lip augmentation procedure, different wrinkles and lines around the lips may be deleted.

Various Lip Augmentation Procedures Available

To improve the appearance of your lips, surgical and non-surgical procedures are available. The surgical method autologous fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is carried out by injecting your own body fat in the lips so as to make them look fuller and more beautiful.

Another surgical option for lip augmentation is synthetic implants. The implants are done with materials such as Alloderm, Gore-Tex, Soft ePTFE and SoftForm. The major advantage of using surgical implants is that the materials used will not shrink or get absorbed by the body.

Several non-surgical cosmetic procedures are also available for lip augmentation. It is mainly in the form of injections, often referred to as an injectable filler. Including collagen injections, silicon, Restylane, nerves, Dermalogen, Hylaform and Symetra. These injections are given in the lips or lip border. You can find more on non-surgical lip augmentation in Vancouver through 

Conventional Cosmetic procedure with little Side Effects

The entire lip augmentation procedure can be done under local anaesthesia. Typically, the procedure lasts for about one to two hours. The duration mainly depends on the complexity and type of procedure preferred. After the treatment, the patient may experience some side effects such as swelling, numbness, bruising and redness.
