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medical technology webinars

Some General Information On Practical Nursing

To be a certified practical nurse, you must have at least one of the following credentials:

Diploma in Nursing – You must complete a licensed nursing program from a professional school or community college approved by the State Nurses Council. Students take 30 to 60 hours of credit in topics such as physiology, anatomy, nutrition, microbiology, chemistry, and other minor subjects. Students then go to intensive care courses. It takes about three years to complement. If you are also planning to get the practical nursing course, then you can choose a professional clinical nurse educator via

Associate Diploma in Nursing – This is the most common initial nursing education that is two years old and emphasizes clinical knowledge and skills. The requisites and the Requisitions of CO extend the program from 2 years to about 3 years or more.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing – A four-year diploma prepares nurses for educating graduates who highlight research, leadership, and clinical practice.

License examination

Once the educational requirement is complete, nurses are needed to take the NCLEX-RN license review. It is to test the adequacy of the knowledge, skills, and competence of new graduates.

Career advancement

Registered nurses can strengthen their careers by taking higher education such as doctoral degrees and masters. These advanced studies prepare them for specialization as advanced practice nurses, including nurse practitioner, midwife certified nurse, head of the clinical nurse, anesthetist nurse, or specialist clinical nurses.

