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metal recycling

The Basic Metal Recycling Process

Metal recycling is an important part of conserving energy and natural resources. It also helps to reduce harmful carbon emissions and the demand for new resources. Because metal alloys play a multitude of roles in society and our health, they are extremely valuable. It is easily recyclable and can be reused many times.

Standard Metal Processing

There are many ways to recycle metal. It all depends on individual preferences and the methods used by each recycling center, and other factors as well like state laws and technology. The basic scrap metal recycling process can be broken down into several steps. These are the main steps:

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Collection – Metal can only be recycled after it has been collected. You can give scrap metal to scrap yards, junk-car buyers, or metal processing centers. Each center will decide its own way of reprocessing scrap metal once it is collected.

Categorization – After alloys have been collected, the center will sort them and arrange them into categories. Nonferrous and ferrous metals usually are separated and then precious or valuable metals are further divided.

Processing – Once all products have been sorted and categorized, they can be processed. This is where metal is sheeted to reduce the melting process.

Liquid – Once the metal has been processed, it can then be melted down. Large industrial furnaces produce high heat to melt the metal quickly. This is called liquefying. To preserve the purity of the reprocessed product, each furnace is assigned a specific type of metal.

Refinement – Once the product has been melted, it must be cleaned and decontaminated. Purification is crucial because it makes the final product purer and of better quality. The most common method of purification is electrolysis.
