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the best buffers for dairy cows

Information On Buffers For Dairy Cows

Buffers help to ensure that the milk is processed and delivered to your table in an orderly fashion. Check out this infographic for a better understanding of buffers and how they are essential to dairy production!

Buffer Types:

1) Temperature: Temperature buffers help to maintain the correct temperature of the milk while it is being processed. This is important because if the temperature becomes too high, it can cause spoilage or bacteria growth, which can lead to foodborne illness. You can buy buffers for dairy cows at

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2) Fluid: Fluid buffers help to maintain the correct level of milk solids in order to prevent lumps or curdled milk. Too much fluid can result in a product that is watery and lumpy, while too little fluid can cause the milk to separate into butter and skimmed milk. 

3) Time: Time buffers help to ensure that the milk is processed in an orderly fashion so that it arrives at your table in an acceptable timeframe. For example, if you have a cow that produces more cream than average, you will need to compensate for this by increasing your buffer time in order to make sure that the cream remains properly separated from the other milk components during processing.
