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The Fixed Fee Divorce Solicitor – How To Choose One

When choosing a divorce attorney, it is crucial that you feel comfortable with them and have confidence in their abilities. Before you appoint them to your case, there are some questions that will help you to get this assurance.

Now, we are going to discuss about family and divorce solicitors .

divorce solicitors

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Learn more about the experience of the solicitor

Ask your solicitor about their experience in divorce law. Your solicitor should not be intimate with your spouse. While solicitors recognize a code for confidentiality with clients, it would not be appropriate to instruct a solicitor who plays golf socially alongside your husband.

  • If you believe that your divorce proceedings will be dominated by financial or child custody issues, ask the firm for additional information. Is the solicitor you want to instruct a specialist in this field?

  • Is the specialist divorce lawyer retained by the solicitor? Although many solicitors specialize in different areas of law, you might feel that it is better for you to hire a specialist on divorce. 

Family mediation and collaboration law

Family mediation and collaborative legal are ways to keep divorce proceedings out of the courts. These are great for couples who wish to settle their divorce peacefully and don't want to deal with the court process and its high costs. 

Stay involved

Ask your solicitor how often you will receive updates on the case. You shouldn't expect to be contacted daily, but you should expect regular communication especially if there are major developments.
