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What Is a Whole Bean Coffee?

Before coffee reaches the consumer, it goes through many stages of production. Whole bean coffee refers to coffee that has been through all stages of production, except for grinding. The stages of production include sorting, deseeding and fermenting, drying, roasting.

A whole seed coffee is generally made from the seeds of the berries of the tropical coffee plant. Sorting the berries is the first step in coffee production. This allows for removal of unripe and undersized berries. The next step is to deseed the berries and ferment the seeds. After the seeds are dried, they go on to the roasting stage. 

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After the coffee beans are roasted, they're packed with airtight seals and sent to the consumer as whole bean coffee. Rarely, coffee beans can be sold before roasting. However, this product is known as whole bean coffee and not raw coffee. These coffee beans are roasted in-house at a cafe or at home.

Many coffee manufacturers grind the coffee before packaging it and shipping it to customers. It is better to grind the coffee when it is being used. This will ensure freshness and a richer flavor. Coffee loses its flavor when it is exposed to environmental factors like moisture and air. Some consumers prefer whole beans to ground coffee.

Many grocery stores still sell more whole beans than freshly ground coffee, despite growing demand for it. A large coffee grinder is usually available at grocery stores that sell this coffee. A variety of home appliance manufacturers also make coffee grinders that are suitable for all budgets. It is more complicated than simply putting the coffee beans in a grinder and waiting for it to grind. 

