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chemical peel smithtown

What To Expect During A Chemical Peel Treatment

Chemical peels are a popular and effective way to improve the tone and texture of your skin. They can reduce wrinkles, acne scarring, pigmentation, and sun damage. Chemical capsules can also help to reduce pore size, correct uneven skin tone, and improve overall skin health. They are often used to improve the appearance of the face, neck, and chest, but can be used on any area of the body.

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A chemical peel is a popular cosmetic treatment used to improve the appearance of skin by removing damaged outer layers. It can reduce wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and other skin blemishes. Chemical peels use a variety of chemicals, including trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and lactic acid.

Before beginning the procedure, your doctor will examine your skin and discuss the treatment plan with you. You may need to avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen for a few weeks leading up to the treatment.

During the procedure, the chemical solution is applied to your skin. Depending on the strength of the peel, you may feel a slight burning sensation, and your skin may turn pink or red. The doctor will leave the solution on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing it off.

After the procedure, your skin may be itchy, red, and sensitive. Your doctor may recommend that you use a moisturizer or ointment to soothe your skin. It can take several days for your skin to heal.
