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Double-Glazed Doors

The Advantages Of Choosing Double-Glazed Doors

Double-glazed doors are becoming increasingly popular due to the range of advantages they offer. Not only are they more energy efficient, but they also provide increased security, improved comfort, and reduced noise levels. Here we look at the benefits of double-glazed doors in more detail.

First, double-glazed doors are much more energy efficient than single-glazed doors. The air gap between the two panes of glass acts as an extra layer of insulation, helping to keep the temperature in your home at a comfortable level. This can result in energy savings of up to 15%.

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Second, double-glazed doors provide increased security. The extra layer of glass makes them much harder to break, and they also come with multi-point locking systems to provide extra protection. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking for added peace of mind.

Third, double-glazed doors reduce noise levels from outside. The two panes of glass, along with the air gap between them, act as a barrier and help to reduce sound. This is particularly useful for those living in busy areas such as city centers.

Finally, double-glazed doors come in a range of styles and finishes, so you can choose the perfect look for your home. From traditional timber to contemporary uPVC, there are double-glazed doors to suit every taste.
