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Emotional Support Animal

When Does My Emotional Support Animal need To Be Renewed?

If you are living with a mental illness, you may be eligible for an emotional support animal to help improve your quality of life. There are no specific criteria for eligibility, but generally, an emotional support animal will be a pet that has been trained to provide companionship and comfort to its owner.

If your emotional support animal has been with you for six months or more, it's probably time to renew its registration. To learn more about emotional support animal letters, you may navigate to this site

There are a few things to keep in mind when renewing your animal's registration:

-First, check with your local municipality about whether or not you need a permit to keep an emotional support animal. Not all municipalities require permits, but some do. If you don't know whether or not you need a permit, you can contact your local Animal Control office.

-Second, make sure that your emotional support animal is up to date on its rabies vaccinations. If it isn't current on its vaccinations, the municipality may require that you have it vaccinated before registering it.

-Third, be sure to keep up with any changes that might occur with regard to the rules governing the keeping of emotional support animals in your municipality. For example, if the municipality changes its rules regarding where and how an emotional support animal can be kept, be sure to update your animal's registration accordingly.
