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kimono jiu jitsu

What Is Kimono Jiu Jitsu And How To Learn It

The traditional Japanese martial art of kimono jiu jitsu, also referred to as karate, is a style of self-defense that relies on flowing movements with an emphasis on speed and agility.

What is Kimono Jiu Jitsu?

There are various styles of kimono jiu jitsu, each with its own set of techniques and principles. Ninjutsu, for example, emphasizes stealth and speed while taijutsu focuses on power and strength. Kimono jiu jitsu falls somewhere in between these two styles. If you want to know more about kimono jiu jitsu Click Storm 

To learn kimono jiu jitsu, you first need to learn the basics of self-defense. This includes learning how to protect yourself from punches, kicks, and other physical attacks. Once you have a solid foundation in self-defense, you can begin learning kimono jiu jitsu techniques. 

What are the Benefits of Kimono Jiu Jitsu?

Kimono Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that utilizes the wearing of a traditional Japanese kimono as its uniform. The techniques and strategies used in kimono jiu jitsu are based on traditional judo and jiu jitsu principles.

There are many benefits to learning kimono jiu jitsu, including: 

-Improved flexibility and range of motion: Due to the unique way in which kimono Jiu Jitsu is taught, practitioners can benefit from increased flexibility, joint range of motion, and coordination. 


Jiu Jitsu, also known as kimono jiu jitsu or Brazilian jiu jitsu, is a martial art that uses joint locks and chokeholds to defeat an opponent. It's a great way to learn self-defense and build strength and flexibility, which is why it's so popular with athletes and fitness enthusiasts. 
