What Are The Different Types Of Dental Restoration Services?

At some point in your life, you will have a tooth that needs restoration. It could be a root canal or crowns, or even dentures. In this article, we will explore what these types of dental restoration services are and give you more information on them so you can make an informed decision. You can also navigate to this website for the best dental restoration treatment.

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These different types of restoration services can include: 

  1. Crowns and Bridges: Crowns and bridges are two common types of dental restoration services that are used to replace missing teeth with artificial materials. A crown is a piece of artificial tooth that is placed on top of the tooth that has been damaged or removed. A bridge is a series of crowns and/or veneers that are attached to either side of your existing teeth in order to fill in the space between them. 

  2. Inlays and Onlays: Inlays and Onlays are similar dental restoration services that involve placing small, custom-made pieces of an artificial tooth into the place where damage has occurred. Inlays typically involve installing a single, small piece of an artificial tooth into the gum above an existing tooth, while onlays involve installing multiple smaller pieces into the same location. 

  3. Dentures: Dentures are often considered one form of dental restoration service because they replace lost teeth with artificial materials. Dentures come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, so they can be custom-made to fit just about anyone's mouth. 

  4. Dental Implants: Dental implants are another common type of dental restoration service that is used to replace lost teeth with artificial materials. 

If you are interested in obtaining dental restoration services, be sure to speak with a dentist about your options.